John and I went for our 20 week ultrasound yesterday morning. The baby is looking very good. And we found out we're having a GIRL!! We are very excited to know that the baby is doing well.
I had to go today for a 2nd ultrasound because the tech forgot to look at something. It turns out that I have a low-lying placenta. It's nothing serious though. I will go back at about 30ish weeks to have another ultrasound to see where the placenta is. 9 times out of 10 it moves before 30 weeks. I will be going back to see my doctor on the 24th, where she will give me more information. Otherwise everything is looking good. Baby's measuring perfectly. She is very active, and apparently doesn't like to have her picture taken. She also has a great right and left hook. We got to watch her punch my insides like she was a pro boxer. In the pictures they gave us you can see her little arms and legs and her lips and nose. They showed us a view that you could see her whole face, although they didn't give us a copy of that one. It was surreal to look at the pictures from our 10 week ultrasound and compare them to the pictures from yesterday. Hard to believe that in those 10 weeks you can actually see a human being in my belly. It's almost as equally hard to believe that I am halfway through this pregnancy.
I have started feeling little movements which is very weird, but amazing at the same time.
We are looking at early November for our baby shower. I think that about updates the last couple weeks! :)
Hopefully by the end of December we will welcome Baby Grace Catherine Neumann into our family!
Yay Grace Catherine. I can't wait to see her. =)