Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Stress-free weekend followed by a STRESSFUL day!

So this past weekend we went camping and had a nice relaxing weekend before the school year starts back up on Wednesday.

We got back from camping on Sunday night, I had a horrible pain in my left side. At about dinner time I ended up with a decent amount of spotting. I waited til Monday morning and the spotting was still there. I had been feeling Baby Grace move all weekend, but I wasn't feeling anything yesterday. I called my dr and was told to go to L&D for an evalution. Because of the low-lying placenta they think that's what was causing the spotting. The pain could have been caused by a mountain of things. The hooked me up to the monitors and right away we could hear the heartbeat. It was an enormous relief. Of course then she was moving like crazy! They did an ultrasound and things looked good. So after a urine sample they discharged me and sent us home. I have been told to relax until next Monday (which is when we go back for a check-up with the dr). Only problem is that I'm supposed to go back to work on Wednesday. So we'll see how that all goes. Today is a day of bedrest though. Which is a little boring already, but whatever it takes to make sure everything's ok. : ) I'll keep everyone updated with anything else that comes up.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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