Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Welcome to the World, Grace Catherine

So we had what turned out to be our FINAL check-up on December 23rd. They did a non-stress test for what seemed like forever. Overall, everything looked great! Grace was ready to come, so we schedule an induction for that night.
We went home, packed our bags and ate dinner. Then before we knew it, we were on our way back to the hospital.
We arrived at the hospital at 8:45pm on 12-23. We were checked in and put in our birthing suite room. At about 10:30 an IV was inserted and Pitocin was started. They started it at a very low dose and I felt fine. A little bit of pressure of now and then, but nothing major. They came in about every hour to up the dosage. Around 5am I was still only at 3cm. I was beginning to think Grace was never coming. It was also around this time that the contractions became extremely strong and right on top of each other.
At 8:00 am 12-24, I couldn't handle the strength of the contractions anymore and opted for the epidural. I had not slept at all up to this point because of the contractions. At 8:15am I was being given my epidural. I made 10 hours without one, I was happy about that. The epidural was a godsend. I was able to rest a little after that. At 8:30am I was checked again and was 4.5cm dilated and 80% effaced. By 9:30am I reached 6cm and was officially 100% effaced, -1 (which means the baby's head is 1cm outside the pelvis.) We were excited to hear it wouldn't be too much longer. I decided to try to nap since I was going to have to start pushing soon. My doctor and nurse went to lunch and said they'd check me when they got back. 1:00pm I was 10cm, 100% effaced and -2. We started pushing at 1:20. About 5 pushes later and Grace had arrived. 1:32pm Christmas Eve, was when she joined us! John got to assist in the whole delivery. Once I pushed her shoulders out I was able to reach down and pull her the rest of the way out and straight to my chest. It was the most amazing moment ever. She is absolutely beautiful. She was 7lbs 6oz, 19.5 inches long with a 33cm head. She had a full head of dark hair. She has full pouty lips, big brown eyes (for now), Mommy's nose and Daddy's chin.
We are so excited to finally have her with us. She is our dream come true.

Pictures to follow soon.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Getting ready

So we had our latest visit today. Doctor had us hooked up to the
fetal monitors for a little while doing a non-stress test. Everything
is looking good. So now we're at the hospital waiting for Grace to
arrive. Hopefully that will be soon. : )
We'll keep everyone updated!

Jenn Neumann

Monday, December 21, 2009

Not much new...

We had our dr appointment on Friday, there wasn't much to report. I'm still 3cm dilated, but Grace has dropped a lot. So really we're still playing the waiting game. I'm officially off of work til April now & John is done with classes for the quarter! YAY! We go back to the dr on Wednesday, the 23rd. We are 8 days away from our due date. EXCITING...but I was hoping she'd make her appearance before Christmas. So far, it doesn't seem as though she's going to.

I'll keep everyone posted with the news when she arrives!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Picture update

37 weeks

Baby Update!

We went for our latest checkup today. Everything went well, John had much more luck with the doppler today. Grace was much more cooperative. He was able to find her easier and listen to her heartbeat. It was very exciting for him. We also found out that I am 3cm dilated now! So it really is a matter of, us waiting on her. Dr Jones kept telling us we have her number, she'll be waiting for our call. Her cell phone and pager will be on her all weekend. Everyone seems to be ready for her to be here. I'm more nervous than ready, but I'm sure that's all normal. We're still predicting her to be on the smaller side weight-wise. (Which doesn't make me feel great about the 50lbs I've gained) : )
All in all, that's really all that was reported today. I'll keep everyone in the loop; if we end up with exciting news before our next appointment next Friday.
Stay warm!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

More pictures

33 weeks

35 weeks

36 weeks

Whenever you're ready...

36's gone so fast. I can't believe it. I have moments where I'm ready to be done, and others where I can't imagine not feeling her move all the time. Last week we had our first weekly appointment. It went well. Uncomfortable, but good. Last week I was 1 cm dilated but not thinning at all. So we were started, but nothing to get excited about.
We had a great Thanksgiving with both families. Lots of food (not that I need another excuse to eat) and fun with family. I had some spotting and such throughout the weekend, but didn't think much of it.
Then today we had another appointment and while I'm still only about 1 cm, I am 50% effaced! That's big in one week! My doctor said I should try to stay within an hour of the hospital, just in case. Everyone keeps thinking I'm going to go early, but we'll see. Like I said, I can't wait for her to be here; to meet her and hold her, but I'm gonna miss her movements and hiccups. John got to use the doppler to listen to her heartbeat today at our appointment. But he didn't have much luck. She was a bit of a brat. Everytime he moved it to find her, she would move again. So the doctor ended up doing it and there she was, she still tried to move away, but she wouldn't let her. : ) The doctor said that spotting last week was the lining thinning. So we were told anytime she's ready at this point. She could be here anytime now. So, we're nervous, excited and every emotion possible all at once.
We're still guessing that she's a little over 5lbs. So she's still smaller, but it's only an estimate of course. Not that I'm complaining about a small baby. : )